The Latest News
Exciting things that have been happening
On August 15th, 2022, my debut flash fiction collection, Baby is a Thing Best Whispered will be published with Alien Buddha Press!
My Micro Chapbook The Swell of Seafoam will be published with Ghost City Press as part of their Summer Micro-Chapbook Series 2022.
Excitingly, my story "The Asarco Smokestack ‘93," published in (mac)ro(mic), made the Wigleaf Top 50 Very Short Fictions 2022.
Dream come true moment! I won first place in Retreat West's Monthly Micro competition for May 2022. You can read my winning story alongside the other shortlisted pieces on the flash fiction section of the Retreat West website.
My micro "The Moon is Made on Clay" will soon be published in The Birdseed issue 5.
So chuffed that NFFD nominated my story "What If We Breathed Through Our Skin?" for both a Pushcart Prize and Best Small Fictions! I'm so honoured and still smiling madly.
The positivity continues with an acceptance from Fictive Dream and Dialect Writers.
2021 ended in style thanks to the brilliant Mandira Pattnaik when when she included me in her WRITERS’ WINTER FAIR 2021 . Thanks for the lovely write up Mandira!
Celebrating the ending of my Dialect mentoring scheme, I took part in the Dialect Podcast where we chatted about mentoring for writers and our experience, as well as hosting a short reading. I read some flash fiction. You can listen along here.
My flash fiction piece, "The Manicure," will appear in Five on the Fifth on a fifth date soon.
I'm officially a punk! My story, "Hidden in the Margins of a Gideon’s Bible," will be published in the September issue of Versification as a Misfit Micro.
My story "Pick a Game From the Compendium" will be published August 31st, 2021 in Black Hare Press' 666- Dark Drabble anthology.
Serious Flash Fiction Volume 7 is out now featuring some kickass tweet-length flash. My piece was chosen alongside the other 2021 winners to be published.
"Waxing Crescent," a CNF micro, will appear on Five Minutes in September 2021.
"The Space Between Where We’ve Been and Where We Are is Saltwater" will be published as part of Emerge Literary Journal Issue 20, September 2021.
Want to know more about me and my writing journey? Check out my A Fevers of the Mind Quick-9 Interview over on the Fevers of the Mind blog.
On July 8th, I was lucky enough to be a co-host on BBC Radio Gloucestershire alongside Jon Smith. You can listen to me talking about flash fiction and writing here.
As part of the 2021 National Flash Fiction Day celebrations, I read my story "What if We Breathed Through Our Skin." Being an introverted writer, I'm not the best at being recorded, but I'm proud that I did this! See the recording here.
"The Locked Cupboard" was accepted by Reflex Fiction. To be published in August 2021.
Read my blog post "Finding the Right Fit" at Dialect. I wrote this piece about my experience on their mentorship programme.
My story "Teaching a Clean Front Kick" has been Shortlisted for the
eighteenth Bath Flash Fiction Award and will be published in their anthology in December.